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Reimagine Your Value Proposition

Once people get excited about the quest you are on, they will have questions about why you – and not others in your community or coalition -- should be the one to lead it. You need to have answers.

The Case Made brought much needed structure to our passion. We now have the language to clearly communicate who we are and why our cause matters to our key partners.

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Assess Where You're At

These questions will help you reflect on this leg of your CaseMaking journey

Practice Makes Perfect

Putting this principle into practice means building these skills

Show Me Some Examples

Some of the best CaseMaking we’ve seen lately

Get the Book

Case Made!
10 Powerful Leadership Principles that Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Grow Impact

A growing body of social science shows us what works – and what doesn’t – to ignite people behind a common cause. That learning is distilled in our Field Guide.

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