Setting Up Your Building Blocks for Mobilizing People to Action
For our teams and coalitions to achieve success over the long term, we must give them solid skills to counter the forces that keep people discouraged and on the sidelines.
They need the building blocks to mobilize people to collective action.
Pick one or pick them all
Each 2-hour facilitated discussion is tailored to the real-world needs of your team, board or coalition. They'll leave with concrete next steps and ways to practice what they've learned.

Changing the energy in the room
When the people you need to mobilize are anxious and challenged by the chaos around them, you need skills to create focus and calm.
Broadening the understanding of systems
When the people you need to mobilize can’t see beyond charity as a solution, you need skills to help them understand the underlying systems.
Strengthening our common identity & shared WE
When the people you need to mobilize are splintered across many individual concerns, you need skills to create solidarity.
Finding the leverage points for systems change
When the people you need to mobilize don’t know where the strongest levers for change are or how to wield them, you need skills to focus their action.
Building a productive conversation about race
When the people you need to mobilize are afraid to name the elephant in the room, you need skills to create a path toward racial healing.